Blog Archive - "Distracted Drivers"

Showing posts under "Distracted Drivers"
Release Date Title
Jul 10, 2024 Road Safety: The Critical Importance of Sharing the Road and Legal Support After Accidents
Mar 14, 2024 The Hidden Impact: Freeze-Thaw Cycles Toll on Ontario's Infrastructure and Personal Safety
Dec 07, 2023 Why are you seeing some speed limits at 30km/h?
Jul 17, 2023 The Alarming Rise of Distracted Driving in Ontario: Understanding the Causes and Consequences
Feb 09, 2023 The OPP have released their data and determined that 2022 was deadly on our roads
Oct 27, 2022 It was National Teen Safety Driver Week Last Week
Apr 14, 2022 What’s More Dangerous? Impaired Driving or Texting Behind the Wheel?
Feb 18, 2021 Upper-Range Award Ordered in Personal Injury Case with Psychiatric Injuries to all Aspects of Life - Kempton v Struke Estate, 2020 BCSC 2094 (CanLII)
Aug 27, 2020 Personal Injury Lawyers – What Exactly Do They Do? When Do You Need One?
Mar 24, 2020 Are Social Hosts Responsible in the Death of 1 Teen and Injury of Another After They Leave Party Drunk and High?
Mar 05, 2020 Distracted Driving – Is ‘hands free’ tech safer than holding your phone?
Dec 24, 2019 Distracted driving is often prompted by phone notifications
Dec 10, 2019 Basic Level Of Auto Insurance is Not Enough If You Are Hurt in A Car Accident
Nov 12, 2019 Researchers develop cars that can tell if you are texting behind the wheel (or below it)
Dec 18, 2018 New Distracted Driving Law January 1 - Part of Cannabis Legislation
Aug 30, 2018 Distracted Driving - A Larger Problem than Impaired Driving in Much of Canada
Aug 16, 2018 Should We Blame our Cars for Distracted Driving?
Aug 07, 2018 9 out of 10 People Admit to Distracted Driving
Mar 19, 2018 Arbitrator Requires Insurer to Pay for CAT Assessment out of Fairness -Hassani and Guarantee
Feb 01, 2018 Tough New Distracted Driving Laws Coming Into Effect

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