Blog Archive - "Concussion Syndrome"

Showing posts under "Concussion Syndrome"
Release Date Title
Jul 26, 2018 New test for return to play readiness post concussion
Jun 14, 2018 Motorcycle rider hit by car - treatments reasonable and necessary - KWD and Progressive CANLII 39450 ON LAT 17-003705
May 17, 2018 Falls Are the Number One Cause of Concussion in Alberta
May 16, 2018 Applicant v Wawanesa, 2018 CanLII 13146 ON LAT 17-000565
May 10, 2018 Post Concussion Thoughts from a Pro Rugby Player
May 08, 2018 There are no minor concussions
May 03, 2018 New Blood Test Helps Predict Presence and Severity Of Concussion in Athletes
Apr 30, 2018 Man with TBI does not appreciate severity of Injuries Before Leaving His Job - Is He eligible for LTD Benefits - MacIvor v. Pitney Bowes, 2018 ONCA 381 (CanLII)
Apr 24, 2018 Risk of Dementia Increases Significantly for People Who have Concussion in their 20s
Apr 20, 2018 Applicant Fails to Present Medical Evidence of Pre-existing Neuropsychological Condition - Applicant and Certas LAT 17-001228 2018 CanLII 8098
Mar 26, 2018 Uninsured Applicant Victim of Insurance Fraud - Insurer Must Honour Policy - Bakir and Dominion
Mar 22, 2018 Chronic Pain and Memory Issues Result in CAT Impairment - Steinberg and Wawanesa
Mar 13, 2018 Is it time to stop using the term concussion? Brain injury is more accurate.
Feb 27, 2018 Blood Test Developed to Detect Concussion
Jan 25, 2018 Arbitrator prefers applicant's medical evidence over IE - Applicant v Royal Sun LAT 17-000117 2017 CanLII 81608 (ON LAT)
Jan 09, 2018 Ontario proposes new bill to protect young athletes from serious head injury
Jan 03, 2018 Applicant Fails to Link Lowered GCS Score to Brain Impairment As A Result Of Accident - EW v Primmum LAT 16-003891
Nov 21, 2017 Second Impact Syndrome
Oct 31, 2017 Concussions are a common problem for Olympic Athletes
Sep 22, 2017 Insured's own testimony makes his case

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